Become a Sponsor
Experience the Benefits of Sponsoring the NRRA Conference and Other events
NRRA helps sponsors and vendors to understand and navigate the challenges of RRGs and how to work with them. We also endorse their services as the leading recommendations for RRGs/RPGs NRRA members.
NRRA provides support to sponsors with the following:
Helps open the doors to a new target market/connect them to qualified potential RRG clients
Creates stronger in-person connections with their clients at NRRA events
Provides superior information on handling the unique regulatory/financial challenges of supporting RRGs
Uses relationships to guide them to resources/templates/structures to understand and implement governance/accounting changes
Offers resources that can be used to challenge regulatory overreach and state insurance laws that attempt to regulate the business of the RRG
Increases awareness in the risk retention industry
How NRRA sponsorships are unique
Sponsors stay on the NRRA Website Year-round between National Conferences
Events include
The National Conference (held in the Fall of each calendar year)
The RRG Leaders Summit (limited number of sponsors invited to participate) but sponsorship credit given for entire year
NRRA-In-Vision Webcasts can be made available for dedicated sponsorships (sponsorship credit given for entire year)
What sponsors are saying
“NRRA has specifically been very supportive to me as a program manager by assisting with and providing an Amicus brief, used in responding for defense to a baseless complaint. Without the support of NRRA that would not have been possible.”
— RRG President
“Our industry NEEDS NRRA to fight battles both in the courtroom and among regulators who are are hostile to risk retention groups”
— Jon Harkavy, Risk Services, LLC